My Life in Ruins
Synopsis: Georgia (Nia Vardalos) is a Greek American tour guide, who leads an assorted group of misfit tourists around Greece. Tourists who would rather buy a T-Shirt than learn about history.
Georgia (Nia Vardalos) is a Greek American tour guide, who leads an assorted group of misfit tourists around Greece. Tourists who would rather buy a T-Shirt than learn about history.In an hysterical clash of personalities and cultures, everything seems to go wrong. Until one day when a very special tourist, Irv Gordon (Richard Dreyfuss), shows her how to have fun and take a good look at the last person she'd ever expect to find love with...her quiet and sexy Greek bus driver....
Opens: June 5, 2009
Rated: PG-13
Runtime: 1 hr. 36 min
Cast: Nia Vardalos, Richard Dreyfuss, MarĂa Adanez
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Georgia (Nia Vardalos) is a Greek American tour guide, who leads an assorted group of misfit tourists around Greece. Tourists who would rather buy a T-Shirt than learn about history.In an hysterical clash of personalities and cultures, everything seems to go wrong. Until one day when a very special tourist, Irv Gordon (Richard Dreyfuss), shows her how to have fun and take a good look at the last person she'd ever expect to find love with...her quiet and sexy Greek bus driver....
Opens: June 5, 2009
Rated: PG-13
Runtime: 1 hr. 36 min
Cast: Nia Vardalos, Richard Dreyfuss, MarĂa Adanez
Genre: Comedy, Romance